Source code for tests.test_bitcoin

import unittest
from decimal import Decimal
from multiprocessing import Process
from time import sleep
from typing import List

from privex.jsonrpc import BitcoinRPC
from privex.rpcemulator import bitcoin

def _contains_tx(tx_list: List[dict], txid: str):
    for t in tx_list:
        if t['txid'] == txid:
            return True
    return False

[docs]class TestBitcoinEmulator(unittest.TestCase): emulator: bitcoin.BitcoinEmulator """Stores the :class:`.Process` returned from :py:func:`.bitcoin.j_server`""" EXTERNAL_ADDRESS = "13J8HRihYqEDYHAxLciryQYTjpxXcjYMmR" """A Bitcoin address considered 'foreign' for testing that sending reduces balance""" LOCAL_ADDRESS = "1PNgW6AgPZMys844kFS2dK4tt7F36MzLC8" """A Bitcoin address considered to be in the wallet""" rpc = BitcoinRPC()
[docs] @classmethod def setUpClass(cls) -> None: """Launch the Bitcoin RPC emulator in the background on default port 8332""" bitcoin.BitcoinEmulator.use_coverage = True cls.emulator = bitcoin.BitcoinEmulator() sleep(2)
[docs] @classmethod def tearDownClass(cls) -> None: """Shutdown the Bitcoin RPC emulator process""" cls.emulator.terminate()
[docs] def test_getnetworkinfo(self): """Test that the ``getnetworkinfo`` JsonRPC call returns data as expected""" info = self.rpc.getnetworkinfo() self.assertIs(type(info), dict) self.assertIn('version', info) self.assertEqual(info['version'], 170100)
[docs] def test_getblockchaininfo(self): """Test that the ``getblockchaininfo`` JsonRPC call returns data as expected""" info = self.rpc.getblockchaininfo() self.assertIs(type(info), dict) self.assertIs(type(info['headers']), int) self.assertIs(type(info['blocks']), int) self.assertIs(type(info['difficulty']), float) self.assertGreater(info['blocks'], 0) self.assertGreater(info['headers'], 0)
[docs] def test_getnewaddress(self): """Get a new address from the emulator and confirm it seems like a BTC address""" addr = self.rpc.getnewaddress() self.assertIs(type(addr), str) self.assertGreater(len(addr), 20) self.assertEqual(addr[0], '1')
[docs] def test_send_valid(self): """Test sending coins to external address creates a TX in listtransactions, and reduces the balance""" # First find out our starting balance, and make sure we have enough to do the send TX. starting_balance = self.rpc.getbalance() self.assertGreater(starting_balance, Decimal('0.002')) # Send 0.001 to the known "external address", which should reduce our balance. txid = self.rpc.sendtoaddress(self.EXTERNAL_ADDRESS, Decimal('0.001')) self.assertGreater(len(txid), 20) # Verify that the TXID returned by sendtoaddress actually exists in the transaction list tx_list = self.rpc.listtransactions() self.assertTrue(_contains_tx(tx_list, txid)) # Check that our balance has dropped by 0.001 (with a 0.0001 tolerance, because floats are stupid) new_bal = self.rpc.getbalance() expected_bal = float(starting_balance - Decimal('0.001')) self.assertAlmostEqual(expected_bal, float(new_bal), delta=0.0001)