Source code for privex.rpcemulator.base

import multiprocessing
import warnings
from http.server import HTTPServer
from os.path import dirname, abspath
from typing import Optional

from jsonrpcserver import serve
from jsonrpcserver.server import RequestHandler
import logging

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

BASE_DIR = dirname(dirname(dirname(abspath(__file__))))

[docs]class QuietRequestHandler(RequestHandler): """ Same as :class:`jsonrpcserver.server.RequestHandler` but with logging disabled. """
[docs] def log_message(self, format, *args): return
[docs]def quiet_serve(name: str = "", port: int = 5000) -> None: """ Quiet version of :py:func:`jsonrpcserver.serve` with logging disabled. Args: name: Server address. port: Server port. """" * Listening on port %s", port) httpd = HTTPServer((name, port), QuietRequestHandler) httpd.serve_forever()
[docs]def _serve(host="", port=5000, quiet=False, use_coverage=False): """ Wrapper function for :func:`jsonrpcserver.serve` and :func:`.quiet_serve`. Can be forked into background. Sets up SIGTERM hook using :py:func:`pytest_cov.embed.cleanup_on_sigterm` so coverage data is correctly saved when the subprocess is terminated. """ # If this is being called from a unit test, then attempt to setup the pytest-cov SIGTERM hook to ensure # coverage data is generated correctly for this subprocess. if use_coverage: try: from pytest_cov.embed import cleanup_on_sigterm cleanup_on_sigterm() except ImportError: warnings.warn("Could not import coverage module in child process...") pass srv = quiet_serve if quiet else serve srv(host, port)
[docs]class Emulator: """ This is the base class used by JsonRPC emulators such as :class:`privex.rpcemulator.bitcoin.BitcoinEmulator` It fires :py:func:`jsonrpcserver.serve` into the background using :py:mod:`multiprocessing` and handles shutting down the process either via context management (``with`` statements), direct calls to :py:meth:`.terminate`, or when the object is garbage collected via :py:meth:`.__del__` """ proc: Optional[multiprocessing.Process] """Holds the :class:`multiprocessing.Process` background process instance for serve()""" quiet = False """Set ``Emulator.quiet = True`` to use :py:func:`.quiet_serve` (disable HTTP request logging)""" use_coverage = False """When running unit tests, this should be set to True to load coverage in the subprocess"""
[docs] def __init__(self, host="", port: int = 5000, background=True): """ Launch an RPC emulator web server. Without arguments, will fork into background at By default, ``background`` is set to True, meaning it will launch as a sub-process, instead of blocking your application. You can use the returned :class:`multiprocessing.Process` object to terminate it once you're done using it. **Using with a Context Manager**:: >>> from privex.rpcemulator.base import Emulator >>> >>> with Emulator(): ... # make some queries to the RPC at ... >>> # Once the `with` statement is over, the JsonRPC server automatically shuts down Example:: >>> from privex.rpcemulator.base import Emulator >>> rpc = Emulator() >>> # make some queries to the RPC at >>> # once you're done, terminate the process >>> rpc.terminate() :param str host: The IP address to listen on. If left as ``""`` - will listen at :param int port: The port number to listen on (Defaults to 5000) :param bool background: If ``True``, spawns the webserver in a sub-process, instead of blocking the app. """ if not background: _serve(host, port) return t = multiprocessing.Process(target=_serve, args=(host, port, self.quiet, self.use_coverage)) t.daemon = True t.start() self.proc = t
[docs] def terminate(self): """ Called when a user wants to manually terminate the background process. Simply calls :py:meth:`.__del__` to terminate the process. """ self.__del__()
def __enter__(self): """Called at the start of a ``with`` statement for context management""" return self def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb): """ When a ``with`` statement has ended, calls :py:meth:`.__del__` to terminate the process. """ self.__del__() def __del__(self): """ Cleanup by terminating the background process if it's still running. When the instance is garbage collected, or ``del someinstance`` is called, this method should get triggered. """ if self.proc is not None and self.proc.is_alive(): self.proc.terminate() self.proc = None